Erosion Control Blanket
B.J. GEOTEXTILE Erosion Control Blankets provide soil erosion protection and accelerate the establishment of vegetation. Erosion Control Blanket immediately reduces soil erosion losses by 85% after installation. ECBs are manufactured from various degradable fibers such as straw and coconut and are mechanically stitch-bonded to polypropylene or biodegradable netting structure.

Prefabricated Vertical Drains
B. J. GEOTEXTILE Erosion Control Blankets are also called Erosion Control Mats depending on their specific purposes and materials. Typically proper placement, the mats will help keep sediment and topsoil from shifting until vegetation takes root, which naturally fights erosion.
- Control stormwater runoff.
- Kick start the vegetation process allowing the vegetation to properly take root, supports and protects vegetation boosting its overall performance
- Fight against soil erosion.
- Preserve the integrity of local ecosystems and maintain biodiversity.
- Construction companies will not have to replace eroded soil or remove sediment from sewers or stormwater basins.
The purposes of an erosion control blanket are to protect the soil surface from heavy rainfall impact and overland flow during the establishment of vegetation and to reduce soil moisture loss due to evaporation. It also reduces environmental disruption during construction.